God is for us, not against us. All of us. God loves us unconditionally and wants what is best for us. This love is most clearly seen in the person of Jesus. And so, we make Jesus the center of our faith journey.
We recognize that people often do not find unconditional love in religious institutions, but rather the opposite. Many of us have had that very experience. We strive to follow Jesus' example in the receiving and giving of unconditional love.
We also find that we are in desperate need of help outside of ourselves to have hope that life will go well for us. Left to our own efforts, we always seem to come up short.
Because of Jesus there is...
Grace: We do not have to earn love and acceptance. We are loved just as we are.
Hope: There is hope for change, inside ourselves, and in the world around us.
Community: We can have authentic relationships with one another that bring joy.
We think the essential issue of the Christian faith is what Jesus asked: “But who do you say that I am?” We believe the answer to this question is found in the testimony and revelation that God gave us in the Bible. We believe the Bible is true and reliable and that Jesus is the one spoken of as the Christ, the person God promised to bring help and salvation to a broken community and world. We believe the help we need can only come from Jesus as the Son of the living God, and as we encounter Jesus, we will grow in trust and love for Jesus which creates a new life in us. We believe Jesus will bring us to a new place both on earth and in heaven. We believe in the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to be with us and in us as we believe in and walk with Jesus. The Holy Spirit opens up the possibility of a new hope that we experience as we pray and ask for things that are impossible for us but possible for God. We share a spiritual kinship with all who believe in Jesus and in the help that Jesus is offering, whatever their other views.