We are working to meet the spiritual needs of our community. As we organize, get involved in existing work and partnerships, economic development and jobs, and youth; we see all of our spiritual needs continuing to rise to the surface. We are building community in the light of these needs and in the light what we see Jesus offering us in the Gospels. Building healthy faith communities is a challenging, stimulating, and rewarding process.

We think the essential issue of the Christian faith is what Jesus asked: “But who do you say that I am?” We believe the answer to this question is found in the testimony and revelation that God gave us in the Bible. We believe the Bible is true and reliable and that Jesus is the one spoken of as the Christ, the person God promised to bring help and salvation to a broken community and world. We believe the help we need can only come from Jesus as the Son of the living God, and as we encounter Jesus, we will grow in trust and love for Jesus which creates a new life in us. We believe Jesus will bring us to a new place both on earth and in heaven. We believe in the Holy Spirit that Jesus sent to be with us and in us as we believe in and walk with Jesus. The Holy Spirit opens up the possibility of a new hope that we experience as we pray and ask for things that are impossible for us but possible for God. We share a spiritual kinship with all who believe in Jesus and in the help that Jesus is offering, whatever their other views.