Happy Holiday Weekend Tribe Family! We have a couple of updates to share:
New Preaching Series
Starting Sunday, January 21st Pastor Dennis will begin leading us through 1st Corinthians, so be sure to join us.
Calendar of Events
stay tuned-next week we will release our upcoming calendar of events.
Tribe Mom's Group/Playgroup
Thursday 10:30am-12:30pm @ Tribe Nursery
An informal playgroup for kids age 0-5 and their parents. Connect with other local moms while the kids play. The playgroup time is the perfect space to invite your neighbor moms to join us. Adress is 2509 Hillegas Ave, Berkeley, 94704. Contact Tamela Turner for more information.
Women's Bible Study-Monday
10:00am @ The Tribe Nursery
Looking for a Women's group to share life? Join us for a time of worship, study, prayer and encouragement. Child friendly! Contact Karen for more information.
NorOak Tribe Worship Gathering
2nd Sunday of the month 4:30-6pm @ the Golden Gate Recreation Center
1075 62nd St., Oakland 94608.
Music, prayer, stories about Jesus, community, and a meal! For information contact: noroaktribe@gmail.com.
Have a blessed week and we will see you Sunday!
Berkeley Tribe | Sundays @ 11:00am | 2509 Hillegass Ave. | Berkeley, CA 94704