Relationship Skills Workshop - Saturday April 6th & Saturday April 13th, 3-5pm


Relationship Skills Workshop-Communicating Without Judgment

Saturday April 6th & Saturday April 13th, 3-5pm

Charles Porter Golden Gate Recreation Center

1075 62nd St., Oakland, CA 94608

Discover how to find more freedom, joy and satisfaction in all your relationships including family, work, school, friends, kids, romantic, and neighbors. Through role-playing, specific real-life examples, and a collaborative learning approach we will explore a variety of skills including speaking and listening without judging, forgiving and asking for forgiveness, holding space for difficult emotions, resolving disagreements, responding to difficult/hurtful messages from others, building life-giving habits of communication and much much more.

Register Here:  

Sliding scale cost, use discount code "Tribe" or "Tribebothdates" or contact Steve to work something out. We don't want cost to prevent you from attending.

These workshops will be facilitated by Pastor Steve. If you have any questions or need more information, please email: