Hi all!
Happy Friday!
Exciting times as the fall season is really kicking into high gear now!
This Sunday, Sept. 10th, we have our first monthly gathering at the Golden Gate Rec Center: 1075 62nd St., Oakland, 94608! 4:30-6pm, a time of worship, sharing stories of what God is doing, thanking him and asking for help, and eating dinner together! Check the website or facebook group for more details.
Our monthly gatherings will be every second Sunday this fall: Sept. 10th, October 8th and November 12th. We are still figuring out what our plans will be for December to celebrate Christmas, we'll keep you posted.
Schedule for the rest of September:
The weekend of Sept. 16-17th we will be heading up to the mountains for our annual backpacking trip. If you're interested in coming please let us know ASAP as we are making final preparations for that. There will be no gathering in the evening of Sept. 17th as a result of this trip.
Sunday Sept. 24th Steve will be giving the message at Berkeley Tribe in the morning at 11am (2509 Hillegass Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704). Please come and join us there in the morning, no gathering in the evening.
That's it for now!
Pastor Steve